Monday, March 23, 2009

Bail Out Bonuses

How much longer will the people of this country put up with the lying White House and the lying members of Capitol Hill.

The White House and the Dumbocrats knew about the bonuses and perhaps even a few of the Republicans were aware of this insertion in the Bailout Bill.

Will I think there is a simple solution- forget the tax or the penalties- instead ask yourselves--Does AIG have any of the billion of dollars left or have they spent it all?
Afterall they are still in business- people are still going to work- so why, if they do have some money left over-- why don't they just write a check to the United States Government for the amount of the bonus- this wouldend anymore discussion and the Idiots on Capitol Hill who have been lying about this insertion can stop lying.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Economic Panic

Having spent the past couple of months in my cave observing and watching the election results, and reading up on local politics, and watching the pundits getting crazy about the economy- I decided to rummage through a bunch of boxes and do some research.

Well lo and behold- the current rants and raves of the conservative pundits about the fall of the American Empire sound like the same rant and raves of the pundits from the 1980's and 1990's.

Back then there was talk and writings about investing in gold and hard assets.
There were the pundits who suggested that the people start storing food, buying guns and finding an alternative place to live when all the rioting broke out.

Pundits were screaming about the large govenment deficits and the crazy spending.

Anyone interested in such info should find a copy of John Pugsleys book--"The Alpha Strategy", or read some of Kevin Phillip's books.

There were a number of articles in a variety of magazines(The National Review, etc) about the failurs of the Republican Party and the wild spending of the Democratic Party.

I believe everything happens in cycles and this is one of those cycles.

Those who follow cycles will see that this country has a number of ten year and twenty year cycles that are quite similar.
I will write more of this later.