Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Changes coming to Giant

Rumor has it that sometime between now and August, Giant will be making some big changes.

One change will be the logo--what no more Big G.

But what of the other changes.?

There was a meeting recently in Connecticut of managers and corporate bigwigs--lot of talk- but no one is saying anything?

If any Giant Employee has an idea what went on- email me-- the rest of your co-workers have a right to know.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Democrats Don't Get It

I am listening to Obama criticize the Republicans proposals for off shore drilling, drilling in Alaska and drilling in the States.

The Democrats arguement is- it will not produce oil for atleast 5-10 years.

Well Wake Up!!!! This is the same position that was made 30 years ago, 20 years ago and 10 years ago!!
If the drilling was done back then- do you think we would be paying $4/gal for gas now--I do not think so!!
Obviously the Democrats have no idea of the mind set of the OPEC members.

If there is any hint that we were going to start drilling, and build more refineries- the members of OPEC will drop their price-- they will do anything to keep our dollars flowing-- I can noy believe that the Democrats are so ignorant.